Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Day 16-17: Internet research

We have to make sure that we aren't violating any copy rights when do internet research. That means that you can't copy something without permission, but you can use information that you find to create your own image or written work.
We looked at this video to learn a little more about what's OK:
as long as we aren't trying to pass someone else's work of as our own, and we give credit to our sources, we will be OK.

The first steps towards the group project is individual research.
  1. download 7-10 images that tell a story about your people
  2. keep track of the source URL's and paste them into google doc
  3. research your nation in the time between 1400-1600 AD, and record 10 facts that you think are important
  4. share your facts with your group members as collaborators
The group will eventually prepare a class presentation on the topic and a corresponding Wiki

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