Friday, November 30, 2007

Day9: HW#2, In my room

Title: In My Room
Create a writing sample that describes your room. Save it as "yourfirstnameclassnumber" room.Use adjectives and adverbs.
Include details like:
  • Where in the house is your room?
  • Who else uses the room, do you share it?
  • What do you like or dislike in the room? any favorite things?
  • Why do you like/ dislike or favorite the stuff?
  • When do you use the room?
  • What do you use the space for?
save it, share it, print it
share it with me at
put the print out in your sourcebook

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Day 7-9: Space

Begin by making a list of everything that you can think of in your room. Then draw a map of where everything sits on the floor. Now follow the template for drawing an indoor room, showing the facing wall, two side walls, ceiling, and floor. Add the things from your list to your drawing, make it look as 3-d as you can, using the shapes that we have been practicing with.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Day 4-6: Happy Holidy Weekend, HW #1

Over this long holiday weekend, please create a description of your citi-scape.
HW #1, 2nd term
Create it in googledocs and save it as "yourfirstnamecityofdepth". Your description should tell us what kind of a place it is and what the inhabitants are doing or do there in this place.

Share it with me at as always, to receive credit.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Second term projects begin! Day 1-3: Cities of Depth

We created drawings that demonstrate the element of art DEPTH.
Combining the techniques of linear perspective and 3d shapes and shading previously learned in class, we created an imaginary cityscape of 3d forms.

Your city should display these qualities:

  • your creativity
  • a place where people may gather, visit, work or live
  • linear perspective concepts
  • 3D shapes and shading
This is your imaginary place, so give it your own twist :-) !
We will write an artists statement describing this composition and your art elements knowledge.

Students are required to bring a blue or black pen and two sharpened pencils to class everyday.
Some supplies are available for sharing, but students may want to bring their own rulers, erasers, colored pencils, etc.

Examples can be seen HERE

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Portfolio Requirements

  1. Coverletter
  2. Script from 1 minute play
  3. iMovie reflection essay
  4. Self evaluation
  5. 2 drawings
  6. Teacherease report

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Day 40: 7th grade trip to the Apollo Theater

To do an internet safety workshop.

Day 39 & 41: Elements of Art, Depth

Drawing 3D shapes and creating * depth * through shading
Review Lesson HERE

BUT FIRST: We have to review the class expectations for being prepared now that the passing time is only 2 minutes long! and you may only go to your lockers before period, not before period 2,4, or 7.

Background information:
We began our investigation of depth with observing space outside our school building and looking at lines and shapes. Then we were introduced to looking at depth with the technique of Linear Perspective. Now we will look at generic shapes that we will see in almost any real life shape or structure that exists in the world.
In class today we will see how to create the illusion of depth on the flat paper by drawing these objects in 3D:
  • cylinder
  • cone
  • cube
  • sphere
? Can you name the 2D versions of these 3D forms?
After we have drawn each shape 4 times we will practice these forms of shading:

  • stippling
  • hatching
  • cross-hatching
  • blending

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Day 38: Return of self evaluations for Open School night

If you completed your self evaluation for Art and Technology standards you will receive it back today. This should be placed in your class notebook to be discussed with your parents as part of your portfolio on open school night.
After which you will finish your in class linear perspective drawing, adding color.

Do you still need to do your self evaluation? you can download it HERE

Day 37: 7th Grade field trip to the Queens Museum of Art

Today we went see the Panorama of the city of New York.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Day 35-36, & weekend- election day: Linear Perspective

In class we discussed this vocabulary related to Linear Perspective:
  • linear
  • horizontal
  • vertical
  • diagonal
  • horizon line
  • vanishing point
  • converging at the vanishing point
Then we did a practice drawing using these concepts, and two more important concepts came up:
  • scale/size
  • foreground, middle ground, background
HOMEWORK, due next class:
Draw the block where you live in linear perspective as best you can, there is no right or wrong. We all have our own style, our own mark to make, that's what makes us special!
Don't stress, do your best!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Day 34: Using Google Docs to Share and Collaborate

So you've composed 20 questions and shared it with "moi", now please share it with the other 3 people that you sit with in class at their account. You have also been invited by them to collaborate on their 20 questions. Open the emails from classmates, do the following:
  1. click into their question documents
  2. change the type color and add comments to their questions
  3. save and close each document after you do step 2
  4. Go back to your own shared questions and see what they wrote
Google doc shows you who wrote what and now you can do group work in the virtual world online!